Choose a Volunteer Program

  • What volunteer programs can you think of? Write your answers.
For me, the best volunteer programs are those that take care of animals, the elderly and nature.

  • What different things do volunteers do around the world?
    • Volunteering to work with animals, healing them and giving them food.
    • Volunteer for a community project.
    • Sports volunteering.
    • Volunteering in hospitals.
    • Green volunteering.

  • Where do these volunteer program happen?
Around the world

  • Read each other’s ideas. Which volunteer program do you think is the most interesting? Write it.
Volunteering to work with animals is the most interesting and cute, i think.

  • Choose the most popular volunteer program for the group.
We choose the volunteering to work with animals.

Research the Volunteer Program

  • Find out information about the program. Answer the following questions:
    • Where is the program?
In El Carmen, Manabì, Ecuador.
    • What is the culture like of the people who live there?
The people of my city have little animal culture, so stray animals often suffer a lot.
    • Why is this program important?
It is important because stray animals deserve a dignified life filled with love and happiness.
    • Where do volunteers stay while they are there?
They could stay at the shelter where the rescued animals are. Each would have their own bed.
    • What do volunteers do during this program?
Only rescue animals and care for those that have already been rescued
    • What extra activities can volunteers do while they are there?
They can entertain themselves a bit in their free time, which is 2 hours in the afternoon.

Prepare Your Poster

  • Decide who is going to prepare each section of the poster.
  • Each section should include a heading, text, and an image. The different headings are:
    • Why is this program important?
It is important because this way we can give a home to all stray animals
    • Where do you stay?
Our refuge will be located in El Carmen, Manabí
    • What will you do?
We will collect, care for and put up for adoption homeless animals
    • What extra activities can you do?
We will create areas on the streets where animals can eat and drink and places for them to sleep